Monday, July 9, 2012

{Balancing Act}

I think this might be the third or fourth time that I have said this, and do not quote me, but I am really am going to try to become more consistent with my blogging.  Before now, I have had this weird insecurity that in order to blog one must have a "specific direction."  But I have learned over the past year that if you limit yourself, you will never discover your true potential.  Corny, I know.. but I dare you to argue the truth in that statement. 

Therefore, I am challenging myself to no longer limit the possibilities in my life.  I cannot begin to describe the changes and challenges I have gone through over the past 12 months.  I have experienced rock bottom and have also experienced the joys of bouncing back from such a low point in life.  I am glad my past is my past and I am ready for what the future holds :)

I think my biggest challenge facing me currently is how I am going to balance everything I have going on at the moment.  I am currently back in school pursuing my MBA in Healthcare Administration.  Grad school is 100% different from undergrad. I have never been more concerned about my grades and studying 24/7 has become a regular occurrence.  I am quickly becoming a nerd.. eeek! I also find myself creating multiple side projects and I constantly wonder if I am biting off more than I can chew.  Let's be honest.. I'm 23 years old and nothing in life is guaranteed.  Therefore, if I come across something that sparks my interest, I am going to pursue it.  And that's that.

Ok, I'm officially down off of my soap box and am excited to get back into the blogosphere! Be expecting a variety of posts and feel free to make comments/suggestions.

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